How to Avoid Stalling your Motorcycle (Rider’s Guide)


Stalling your motorcycle can be frustrating and even dangerous if you’re not careful. When riding a motorcycle, it’s important to be aware of how to avoid this problem. Luckily, there are a couple of simple tips you can follow to help keep your motorcycle running smoothly.

Here are a few tips on how to avoid stalling your motorcycle:

  • Keep your RPMs steady 
  • Practice clutch control
  • Be careful when starting from a stop. 
  • Don’t ride too slowly. 
  • Ensure you have enough gas in the tank.

New riders are especially susceptible to stalling their motorcycle. This is because newer riders are still learning how to ride and may not have a good feel for the clutch and throttle yet. It’s important to practice starting and stopping to get a feel for how your motorcycle responds. Keep reading for some of the essential tips and tricks to help you avoid stalling your motorcycle.

Why Does Stalling a Motorcycle Happen?

Motorcycle rider on enduro bike at dusk
Photo by Cok Wisnu on Unsplash

When we talk about stalling a motorcycle, it means the engine has cut out or died while the bike is still being ridden. Stalling is common among new motorcycle riders and even some experienced ones. It can be caused by multiple things but is often due to human error rather than a problem with the bike itself.

Stalling a motorcycle can happen frequently, especially if you’re stopped on a hill or in traffic, but it can also occur if you’re going too slowly or in the wrong gear. When this happens, it’s usually because the engine isn’t getting enough air or fuel, causing it to stall.

Another factor or cause for the motorcycle to lose power on hills, especially during take-off, may be the carburetor. It will be impossible for the bike to obtain the strength and power it needs for sharp rises or starts if the carburetor isn’t allowing enough gasoline to pass through the curtain.

How to Take Off on a Hill Without Stalling Your Motorcycle

Motorcycle rider stopped on an inclined street
Photo by Les Anderson on Unsplash

Taking off on a hill can be tricky, especially if you’re new to riding. If you’re not careful, it’s easy to stall your motorcycle. Here are the key steps to follow when taking off on a hill:

  1. When you’re stopped on a hill, keeping the bike in first gear with the clutch pulled in is important. 
  2. Start the bike and then slowly release the clutch while giving it gas. 
  3. As you release the clutch, you’ll feel the bike start to pull forward. 
  4. If you give it too much gas, it will lurch forward, and you could lose control. 
  5. If you’re not giving your bike enough gas, it will stall.

Knowing your clutch and gas control is crucial when taking off on a hill. If you’re not confident in your abilities, it’s best to practice in an empty parking lot before trying it on a busy street. You’ll need to find that happy medium where the bike pulls forward but does not lurch. 

This can take some practice, so don’t get discouraged if you stall a few times. Just keep at it, and eventually, you’ll get the hang of it.

If you’re still having trouble, you can try a couple of other things. First, you can use the front brake to help hold the bike in place while taking off. Just be careful not to use too much brake, or you could stall the bike. Another option is to put your feet down and walk the bike up the hill until you get to a flat surface. This can be helpful if you’re really struggling with taking off.

How to Avoid Stalling your Motorcycle

Motorcycle rider holding front brake lever
Photo by Baptiste DAVID on Unsplash

Stalling your motorcycle isn’t the end of the world, but it can be annoying and even dangerous if you’re not careful. Now that we know some of the reasons why stalling can happen, let’s take a look at how to avoid it.

1. Keep your RPMs steady 

Most motorcycles idle at ranges from 750 to 1500 rpm. When your engine’s rpm drops below 750, it will begin to sputter. Keep an eye on your tachometer and try to keep the engine at constant revs per minute. This will minimize the chances of your motorcycle stalling.

2. Practice clutch control 

One of the main reasons motorcycles stall is because the rider does not know how to properly use the clutch. When you’re just starting out, it can be difficult to find the sweet spot between engaging and disengaging the clutch. 

The goal is to be able to smoothly let out the clutch while gradually giving the bike gas. As you become more experienced, you’ll be able to do this without thinking about it.

3. Be careful when starting off from a stop 

When starting from a stop, it’s important to be careful not to give the bike too much gas. If you do, the engine will rev too high and stall. Instead, slowly let out the clutch while giving the bike a little gas. As you start to gain speed, you can increase the amount of gas you’re giving it.

4. Don’t ride too slowly 

Another common reason for stalling is riding too slowly. When the engine is running at low speeds, it’s more likely to stall. This is because there isn’t enough air or fuel getting to the engine. If you’re going too slowly, it’s best to downshift into a lower gear so that the engine can run at a higher RPM.

5. Make sure you have enough gas in the tank 

If your motorcycle is running low on gas, it’s more likely to stall. This is because the fuel pump isn’t getting enough gas to keep the engine running. Always make sure you have enough gas in the tank before heading out on a ride.


Motorcycle riders know that one of the most frustrating things that can happen is stalling the bike. However, by following the tips above, you can minimize the chances of this happening. Just be sure to practice and stay safe out there on the road. 

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