When you google the word “souvenir”, the search bar dictionary brings up two definitions: sou·ve·nir /ˌso͞ovəˈnir/ noun a thing that is kept as a reminder of a person, place, or event. verb take as a memento. By far, the best souvenir I’ve ever seen in my life belonged to my friend Gary. It wasn’t of a place, it was of a lot of places- A sticker of an empty map of the East outlined in blue. But with the route of his first long-distance motorcycle tour highlighted in red. The route Gary rode started at Richmond, Virginia and went all…
Part of the reason why the book Men Are From Mars And Women Are From Venus went on to become a household name is because a lot of folks really do think that men and women are that different. Of course, we know as much as you do that that’s BS. Men are mostly from Earth. And women are mostly from Earth. Our differences are nowhere near as large enough to warrant belonging to different planets. Our differences in clothing, however, may as well be. Think about it. Ladies, how many times have you gotten jealous over the fact that…
This should be a surprise to none of you: gray skies make it much harder to see. Not just because they’re gray, but because of what turns them gray. There are many well-researched articles like this one that tell us about how much harder rain makes it see, due to droplets: Making street lamps less bright by blocking part of their light output Scattering light rays (meaning less light reflected by objects to your eye; meaning less visibility) Droplets on headlamps causing light to “backscatter” and create a glare in your field of vision (makes it much harder on your…
Every once in a while, my uncle and I catch up over a bottle of Maker’s Mark. And every time this happens, he never fails to bring up how much better nightclubs were when he was my age. The man spent his yuppie years during the 70s when disco was all the rage- and the right combination of Bourbon and Boney M. always made him nostalgic. And according to him, the main reason why the way we club pales in comparison to the way he did is because “everyone has a damn phone on them”. I thought this was an…
When getting ready to go riding on your motorcycle, do you spend a while getting all your motorcycle gear on? After putting on your suit, helmet, and gloves, you may be wondering whether you really need those boots. So, are motorcycle boots worth it? Motorcycle boots are worth every penny as an important part of motorcycle gear because they keep your feet and ankles protected while you ride. With the hot exhaust pipes and motor nearby, you need something to keep you from getting a nasty burn. Motorcycle boots are your only protection for your feet in an accident as…
It’s rarely mentioned when discussing the motorcycle culture, but motorcyclists are surprisingly high up on the list of people who care a lot about their outfits. They’re pretty picky about their helmet and jacket matching the color schemes of their bikes. Custom paint jobs, however, can be prohibitively expensive. Wrapping a helmet, though, is inexpensive and easy to do yourself. How do you wrap a motorcycle helmet? In a clean, windless space, remove all removable components and clean the helmet with rubbing alcohol. Roughly cut the vinyl into the needed shapes. leaving an inch or two or all sides. Heat…
It is one of the worst feelings you can have as a rider. You go out to your bike, try to get it started up, and—nothing. So, what is the deal? You might be looking at a battery that has just gone flat and needs a recharge, you might have a bad motorcycle battery, or you might have some other issue going on. There are several symptoms of a dead or dying motorcycle battery, ranging from the ignition not being able to turn and the battery not holding a charge to cracks, bulges, and discoloration appearing on the battery and…
Something that makes motorcycles slightly different from other modes of transportation is that the bike’s weight can impact how safe they are to ride. Depending on factors such as your height and weight, how heavy or light a motorcycle is can be beneficial or hindering your safety. Heavier motorcycles are better than lighter motorcycles. They have plenty of added features that make them superior to lighter bikes. These include the ability to go over obstacles in the road easier and keeping you safer in the event of a crash. Heavier motorcycles are better for the experienced rider. But if you’re…
Your hands are your connection to the road when riding on a motorcycle. No one wants to be thinking about the weather conditions and whether their digits are getting cold while riding. Even though not all motorcycles have the luxury of heated handlebar grips, there is another option for those cold rides. Heated motorcycle gloves are a less expensive option for those looking to keep their hands warm on a motorcycle ride, and they work fairly well for their size and cost. A typically heated motorcycle glove is no larger than a winter glove and has the added heating element…
For non-bikers, a motorcycle jacket is nothing more than a fashion statement, though it is a uniform of sorts for bikers. It serves as a piece of protective clothing and getting one requires several considerations other than just making you look good. When picking the right motorcycle jacket, you will have to check certain characteristics or features, such as the armor or padding, reflectivity, ventilation, and removable liners. These jackets also come in various styles and materials, and what you pick will be a matter of preference. Of course, getting the right fit is also very important. Read on to…