Sena 10C Pro Video Reviews Round-up


Go back even 20 years and the equipment used by bike riders were very different. Rather than shouting over loud engines, for example, we now have complex intercom systems. Today, we want to talk about one of the most popular models in the market; the Sena 10C PRO. 

Sena 10C Pro side view
Sena 10C Pro

All around the internet, you’ll find reviews from experienced riders. With this in mind, we’ve decided to compile some of the very best. What are riders and others in the industry saying about the Sena 10C PRO? Let’s take a look! 


1. First Look and Ride Demo (MOTOTREK) 

For MOTOTREK, one of the key features was the speaker quality; an important feature for any communications system. When speaking to people on the phone, the last thing you need is to be continually shouting ‘pardon’ because the whole conversation will soon transcend into a mess. Fortunately, the Sena 10C PRO sounds good at both ends. 

Later in the video, Bret takes us for a ride and talks about the positives of having one button. Since this does all the recording and camera control, it’s the simplicity that riders have been requesting for some time. 

For those who like to make videos relating to their riding experiences, we should note that camera adjustment is quite limited. While on the go, recording resolution is the only adjustment on offer. With this in mind, most other changes – like exposure, color, sharpness, bit rate, and white balance – will need to be done in the editing suite (or laptop in the living room!). 

If you want to see the device in action, this short video is a great starting point. 

2. Sena 10C Pro Bluetooth Headset and Camera Review (RevZilla) 

With nearly 700,000 subscribers, RevZilla is always a good place to go for product reviews and they featured a review of the Sena 10C a while ago. Although they were sent a model for testing, RevZilla is normally a reliable source of fair reviews. 

Just like the MOTOTREK review, we get a first-hand experience of the camera while riding around the local area. Early in the review, RevZilla mentions that this is an all-in-one device, and this is important for those that have been riding around with a communications system, external video recording device, and lots of other equipment. By using the microphone in the helmet, it’s possible to record a voice over a video directly. 

After this, they move onto the voice prompts which is another feature we think our readers will love. With one simple button, the Cena 10C PRO will talk to the rider. For example, it will let you know that the device has stopped recording. With this, it means you have some more talk time before the battery finally gives up. 

Elsewhere, the video tagging feature is something that both reviews so far have mentioned. If something interesting happens while on the road, push a button and it will loop around and record the 60 seconds before and 60 seconds after. You don’t have to miss anything ever again. 

What about the negatives? They did note their hopes for improved camera quality in the future. Although the quality is certainly better than other devices in the market, they hope that Sena continues to work hard making it even better. 

3. Initial Review and Road Test (Views from the Man Cave) 

If there’s something specific you want to learn about the device, such as controls or just footage on the road, this is a great review because the video is broken up with timestamps in the description. Also, the road footage is recorded with the settings directly out of the box.

For those who aren’t too experienced with technology and who want good quality without playing around too much, this is a great review. In fact, it’s a well-rounded review altogether because the conditions are also a little slippery; you can see how well the camera records even when the sun isn’t shining. 

While riding around Essex in the UK, it was noted that the 1440p is a great addition; yet, it isn’t necessarily the best option to choose since anything above 1080p can lead to compression. It’s always good to have the choice of going higher though, right? 

In summary, both audio and video quality are good and having the Sena 10C PRO is better than a simple action cam mounted to the helmet. Once you consider the FM radio and Bluetooth communications features, the device is even better. If your priority is the camera and you want the best quality, Views from the Man Cave say that something like a GoPro Hero will be a stronger option; it all comes down to YOUR needs.

As a one-stop-shop, it means that you can record journeys, track days, and enjoy comms without having to switch devices or helmets. What’s more, they also concluded that support and accessories from the brand itself are worth noting. 

4. The Truth About the Sena 10C PRO (Chris Smith) 

Since some readers like to get their reviews from real people and real riders rather than companies and branded YouTube channels, we thought it was important to include the brilliant Chris Smith. Chris works as a photographer and is also an ‘avid motorcyclist’, so he’s more than qualified to give his thoughts on the Sena 10C PRO.  

Despite the similarities with the first iteration of this model, he was clearly impressed by the upgrades. Mainly, the notable difference in quality when zooming and playing around in post-production. 

After talking about the camera some more, Chris hits on another important point, and one we haven’t yet mentioned, the built-in WiFi. Within moments, the device can connect to a phone and this allows users to get a video preview. Rather than recording for hours only then to find the shot was incorrectly framed, you can frame as you go; Chris noted that he keeps his phone docked in the handlebar which makes this even easier. 

If you own the original 10C and are wondering whether or not to upgrade, watch this video. Having tested both, he comes to the conclusion that ‘the 10C PRO is what I wish the 10C had been’. Riders can vlog without having all sorts of wires coming from every direction. Also, he seemed impressed with the ability to listen to music and talk to riding buddies without a separate communication system. 

In the interest of balance, he wished the 10C PRO offered 4k resolution and image stabilization. Yet, he appreciates the product ‘for what it is’. 

5. Sena 10C Pro First Video and Audio Test (WOODZMAN ADVENTURES)

If you’ve seen this YouTube channel before, you’ll know that he provides all sorts of content. As well as tips and product reviews, he offers interesting trails and rides. Of course, we’re interested in the Sena 10C PRO review here, and it’s another where we get to see the device in action. 

One of the main comments in the early part of the video is how easy the device is to use now that no Bluetooth is required to connect the intercom to the camera. Since they’re built-in together, videos are easy to make and it’s useful when riding along and receiving a phone call. In the video, he’s wearing an Apple Watch and he could hear a call coming through over the intercom system. 

For this review roundup, we’ve ignored the comments from viewers but, in this particular video, comments were actively encouraged. In one comment, a YouTube user noted how using GoPro devices can be a nuisance because of the required mic adapter. Therefore, having everything in one is a great step forward. 


Sena 10C Pro accessories
Sena 10C Pro accessories

There we have it, five of the best video reviews for the Sena 10C PRO. If you’re thinking about investing in this device, you should have everything you need to know with just these five videos. As you can see, the device has received brilliant praise from all five testers and the comments under the videos suggest that the wider motorcycle industry is also impressed with the model. And at its price point, it’s a great package.

Reviewers praised the all-in-one nature of the device, the improved quality compared to the 10C PRO, the sound quality when listening to the radio or speaking over the phone, the built-in WiFi, and more. There were also comments for where improvements could be made, but this was mainly down to preference. Rather than clear design faults or technical issues, it came down to what the reviewers would like to have seen.

If you want to make videos of your biking experiences, or you just want an effective communications system for you and your friends, you won’t go far wrong with the Sena 10C PRO. There will be some people better suited to action cameras and the like, but what Sena lacks in action recording capabilities, it more than makes up for in other fantastic features! 

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